Maehr laboratory
Diabetes Center of Excellence
Program in Molecular Medicine
Albert-Sherman Bldg 7th floor
University of Massachusetts Medical School
368 Plantation St
Worcester, MA 01605
email: rene.maehr at
Open positions
Postdoctoral Fellow
For postdoctoral fellowships in the areas listed below, please contact René Maehr:
a) development and bioengineering of thymus function using human pluripotent stem cells (NIH funded)
We apply current, and develop further, human stem cell-derived thymic epithelial cell differentiation systems to study human immunological tolerance in patient-specific models.
b) molecular basis of Type 1 diabetes (NIH funded)
The project aims to decipher the molecular basis of Type 1 diabetes susceptibility. In a multi-disciplinary group efforts, we will combine pluripotent stem cell-based disease models with functional genomics approaches to gain insights on the molecular basis of the disease.
Ph.D. students and lab rotations
For incoming Ph.D. students we have rotation projects available in the areas of developmental immunology, epigenetics and stem cell biology.
For postdoctoral fellowships in the areas listed below, please contact René Maehr:
a) development and bioengineering of thymus function using human pluripotent stem cells (NIH funded)
We apply current, and develop further, human stem cell-derived thymic epithelial cell differentiation systems to study human immunological tolerance in patient-specific models.
b) molecular basis of Type 1 diabetes (NIH funded)
The project aims to decipher the molecular basis of Type 1 diabetes susceptibility. In a multi-disciplinary group efforts, we will combine pluripotent stem cell-based disease models with functional genomics approaches to gain insights on the molecular basis of the disease.
Ph.D. students and lab rotations
For incoming Ph.D. students we have rotation projects available in the areas of developmental immunology, epigenetics and stem cell biology.